Century Hardware is quick and easy when looking for the certain look hardware to add to your cabinets. Very easy to deal with and quick shipments of product.
– Jim Miller, Pleasant Valley Homes
We opened with Century Hardware and were waiting on catalogs and pricing. I was totally surprised a few days later after our account was opened to receive a phone call. My account specialist Will Rogers, called with a sales lead, as a customer in my neighborhood had contacted them directly. The customer wanted to open an account however, Will stated that this area’s representation was with us. I was greatly impressed with Century’s dedication and cooperation, the sales lead led to my first order over $5000.00 and this action has led all of us to appreciate Century and has inspired us all to remember their goal seems to be to help us reach ours.
– Greg Cummings, McNally Electric Inc.
Century hardware delivers and delivers on time no snags or excuses, every time without fail! Century hardware has a beautiful collection at a great price, that equals a great value!
– Rick Grant, Ultimate Kitchen and Bath
“We have enjoyed distributing Century Hardware’s complete product line for many years. The product quality has been second to none – but more importantly to us, their service exceeds our expectations. Century’s customer service department is proactive – they don’t wait for us to ask for help but will actually suggest ways that we can improve our ordering efficiencies and minimize our costs. I appreciate that.”
– Warren Clark, BMC West Building Materials, Marketing Manager, Houston Region
We have grown in our partnership with Century Hardware for many years. The product quality is excellent, lead shipping times are unprecedented and their Customer Service is impeccable. Here, at Knobdepot.com, we feel that value comes in many forms….the most important being exceptional customer service. Century’s day to day customer service has exceeded our expectations. They are without a doubt, the driving force behind our successful relationship with Century Hardware. Their quick response, professional manner and personal commitment gets the job done. We look forward to continuing this partnership with Century Hardware for many years to come.
– Laura, Knobdepot